Analyze your token with AI.

Dive into the world of blockchain with AI-powered analysis offering you comprehensive and unparalleled insights.

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Our track record

Trusted by thousands of investors worldwide

DexVision has scanned over 16,000 contracts, catching more than 3,000 scams. Our platform supports 4 major networks.

Contracts Scanned
Scams Caught
Daily Scans
Supported Networks

Secure and Reliable Token Scanning

Assess New Tokens with Confidence

DexVision offers comprehensive smart contract scanning, enabling you to identify potential scams and understand tokenomics before investing. Our platform provides a secure and user-friendly experience, helping you navigate the rapidly changing crypto landscape.

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AI-Driven Contract Analysis
Harness the power of AI to deeply analyze smart contracts, providing comprehensive insights into tokenomics, contract features, and potential risks.
Intuitive User Interface
Experience a simple and user-friendly interface that makes contract scanning and analysis straightforward and accessible.
Fraud Detection
Identify high-risk contracts and scams, such as honeypots and airdrop fraud, to help you steer clear of unsafe investments.
Tokenomics Insights
Dive into detailed analytics on tokenomics, including buy/sell taxes, contract restrictions, and other critical elements for informed decisions.
Tax Structure Overview
Understand the tax structure of smart contracts, including a breakdown of buy and sell taxes and related restrictions.
Contract Feature Analysis
Analyze smart contract features, identifying unique attributes and assessing any specific restrictions or permissions in the contract.


Find the Right Plan for You

Whether you're just exploring or seeking advanced analytics, our plans offer flexibility and value.



A limited-access plan suitable for users who want to explore the platform and access already-scanned tokens.

  • Access to already-scanned tokens
  • Access to recently scanned tokens
  • Basic contract details
Get Started



Ideal for individual users or small teams. This plan allows 500 scans per month with additional benefits.

  • 500 scans per month
  • Access to recent and popular scans
  • Basic analysis features
  • In-depth contract details
Get Started



Perfect for professionals and larger teams. Get unlimited scans, early access to future tools, and premium support.

  • Unlimited scans
  • Access to all Starter features
  • Access to beta tools
  • Exclusive insights on contract owners and holders (coming soon)
Get Started

Looking for Enterprise Solutions?

We offer customized plans for enterprise customers. Contact us to learn more about discounted plans and personalized features.

Contact Us


Experience frictionless transactions without any fees and access exclusive premium features with our $POLYAI token, epitomizing our commitment to efficiency and value at Polychain AI.

Token Name
Polychain AI
Token Symbol
Total Supply
Contract Address


The $POLYAI token has a 5% tax on buy and sell transactions. With this tax, we can fund the development of the project and marketing efforts.
